beats taste.

We’re Germany’s leading agency for trans­lat­ing strategies into brand experiences – from cor­po­rate design to plat­form devel­op­ment. And we’re look­ing for bright sparks to work with us on brand devel­op­ment.

Are you a branding agency, an advertising agency or a communications agency? Branding agency! Because methodology beats taste

People often ask us what sets IDEENHAUS apart from other advertising agen­cies or communications agen­cies. Not much – just the fact that we don’t work for com­pa­nies that rely on their own taste to drive their deci­sions. Time and again, we’ve been amazed by how often we’re con­front­ed with taste being used as a cri­te­ri­on.

Our methodology gives your personal taste a help­ing hand, safe­guard­ing the suc­cess of your brand management. The ben­e­fits are clear: it’s a tool you can use to manage brands, even if you have little expe­ri­ence in the field.


We’ve been trans­lat­ing strategies and writ­ing recipes for suc­cess for
love brands for more than 30 years. We’re so grate­ful to our clients for let­ting us do this!

Suc­cess stories 2022

In 2022, we once again had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help trans­form great brands into inspir­ing sym­bols with a pas­sion­ate fol­low­ing, thanks to our recipes for suc­cess.

What our clients are saying about IDEENHAUS

With IDEENHAUS we have found a part­ner for our diverse brand projects, who also sup­ports us con­struc­tive­ly and com­pe­tent­ly in com­plex chal­lenges.

Roger Tschal­len­er

Head of Mar­ket­ing Strat­e­gy
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

IDEENHAUS is the strate­gic, cre­ative part­ner for our Scout24 brands in Switzer­land! This col­lab­o­ra­tion encom­pass­es every one of our touch­points.

Francesco Corbino

Senior Brand Strate­gist
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

We love work­ing with IDEENHAUS – and we love the results, too. By work­ing togeth­er to build our brand as an employ­er, we were able to boost our appli­ca­tion fig­ures and wel­come lots of new mem­bers to the DO family!

Marc Räpp­gen

HR Busi­ness Part­ner
Design Offices

IDEENHAUS really made our brand shine by devel­op­ing stun­ning graph­ics and con­tent based on our mis­sion and values. In our view, it’s the most beau­ti­ful report of all time!


Head of Mar­ket­ing & PR
Umwelt­bank Nürn­berg AG

Guar­an­teed sup­port – from A to Z! The successful exe­cu­tion of the brand style and web­site launch make my life easier, and so do the weekly check-ins.

Tanja Ziegler

Zuger Kan­tonaler Frauen­bund

We’re delight­ed that IDEENHAUS under­stands how to trans­late our part­ners’ and cus­tomers’ sus­tain­able con­cepts into brand management.


Zen­trum­sleis­tung ZNU

RWS Logo Animation

We worked with IDEENHAUS to devel­op a time­less style for our umbrel­la brand RWS GmbH. This style not only con­veys a sense of pre­ci­sion and trust, but also suc­ceeds in show­cas­ing and inspir­ing the pas­sion of the people at our site.

Matthias Vogel

Vice Pres­i­dent Human Resources

IDEENHAUS worked with us to shape the relaunch of the Albrecht Dürer Air­port Nürn­berg brand – and demon­strat­ed a great deal of sen­si­tiv­i­ty in the process.


Head of Mar­ket­ing and Cor­po­rate Communications
Albrecht Dürer Air­port Nürn­berg

IDEENHAUS really made our brand shine by devel­op­ing stun­ning graph­ics and con­tent based on our mis­sion and values. In our view, it’s the most beau­ti­ful report of all time!


Head of Mar­ket­ing & PR
Umwelt­bank Nürn­berg AG

IDEENHAUS helped us, as a start-up, to define our brand pro­file and pin down who we wanted to be as a brand.


Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of sisisi

We have been using methodology to create successful brands for more than 30 years by trans­lat­ing strategies into brand style

Brand audits

We audit your brand and iden­ti­fy scope for devel­op­ment. We then derive rec­om­men­da­tions for action in order to col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly steer your brand towards a successful future.

Brand style devel­op­ment

We devel­op a holis­tic style for your brand, draw­ing on the find­ings of your brand audit. This typ­i­cal­ly includes a logo, style guide for images and text, design guide­lines, typog­ra­phy, colour and many more ele­ments that com­bine to create a strong, con­sis­tent style.

Brand management

We active­ly sup­port you in man­ag­ing your brand, based on your brand strat­e­gy and the spe­cif­ic context within which your brand sits. Our sys­tem­at­ic approach gives you the skills to make deci­sions on design and branding – with­out being influ­enced by your personal taste.

Brand stag­ing

We bring your brand to life by stag­ing it at touch­points, think­ing and work­ing holis­ti­cal­ly to create a con­sis­tent image of your brand regard­less of the touch­point or chan­nel at hand.

Employ­er Branding

Times have changed! Today, brands gen­er­al­ly adver­tise them­selves to poten­tial employees, not the other way around. By cre­at­ing a cred­i­ble, rel­e­vant pro­file, we assist your brand with find­ing – and attract­ing – suit­able can­di­dates via the appro­pri­ate chan­nels.

Our methodology gives you peace of mind when work­ing on your brand

Our methodology is what makes us spe­cial! And it’s not just any old methodology: it rep­re­sents the prin­ci­ples and way of work­ing that have always driven us. Sys­tem­at­ic, holis­tic, col­lab­o­ra­tive and shaped by rad­i­cal trans­paren­cy.

We put your brand, com­pa­ny or sales strat­e­gy centre stage and pro­vide you with end-to-end ser­vices, from the ini­tial analy­sis through to the global roll­out – all wrapped up in an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary process. It’s about col­lab­o­rat­ing as equals and com­mu­ni­cat­ing clear­ly, not ‘just’ advertising.


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