We are Germany’s leading brand agency for the translation of strategies into effec­tive brand management

Employees are seek­ing a home, not just an employ­er, as they no longer define them­selves solely as employees. Brands are the coach­es for successful teams.

Sabine Kropf | Com­mer­cial Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

Man­ag­ing brands is not rocket sci­ence. Some­times, all it takes is courage, dili­gence, and per­se­ver­ance.

Marion Endres | Owner and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

Of course AI is an impor­tant topic for us — along­side our method­i­cal intel­li­gence.

Marcel Olek | Cre­ative Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

Communication can be both every­thing and noth­ing, making it a matter of utmost impor­tance.

Ralf Brend­jes | Head of Brand Communication

The devil is in the details. In today‘s real-time brand management, spe­cial sen­si­tiv­i­ty is required.

Juliane Hänig | Head of Brand Design

One second for your brand has never been as impor­tant as today.

Max Kratzer | Dig­i­tal Lead

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Our methodology gives you
peace of mind when work­ing on your brand

Our methodology is what makes us spe­cial! And it’s not just any old methodology: it rep­re­sents the prin­ci­ples and way of work­ing that have always driven us. Sys­tem­at­ic, holis­tic, col­lab­o­ra­tive and shaped by rad­i­cal trans­paren­cy.


How we work

Our base
Our process starts with your strate­gic values, or your strate­gic doc­u­ments. Because with­out strat­e­gy, there is no translation. We use the strat­e­gy as the basis for objec­tive, tasteless brand management.
Our translation process
Based on your strate­gic ele­ments, we audit your status quo. From there, we devel­op action-rec­om­men­da­tions and then trans­late the strate­gic mes­sages into tan­gi­ble and relate­able brand mes­sages.
Your imple­men­ta­tion guar­an­tee
After more than 30 years and hun­dreds of projects, we live by one con­vic­tion — successful imple­men­ta­tion begins internally and shines out­wards through the employees. Togeth­er with you, we will find the right process. No matter where you stand in your brand management.


What we deliv­er

Naming & Tone of Voice
We give brands names
We deliv­er technology-independent user experiences
Brand style devel­op­ment
We design brands at all touch­points along the cus­tomer jour­ney
We tell stories that touch
& Motion
We move
Con­tent &
We con­sid­er relevance, from the message to the chan­nel
We make brands strong on the shelf
Event &
We create unfor­get­table moments
We make brands a dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence
Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence
We use AI to ele­vate brands into the future.


New pulse for the regen­er­a­tion experts

kiwi now

How we rein­vent­ed the floor­ing market.

SOS Human­i­ty

A sign for more human­i­ty

A. Vogel

The heal­ing power of nature fresh­ly staged


Holis­tic brand management for a world market leader

Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

Brand iden­ti­ty and communication for dig­i­tal innovation


How we devel­op brands

We put your brand, com­pa­ny or sales strat­e­gy centre stage and pro­vide you with end-to-end ser­vices, from the ini­tial analy­sis through to the global roll­out – all wrapped up in an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary process. It’s about col­lab­o­rat­ing as equals and com­mu­ni­cat­ing clear­ly, not ‘just’ advertising.

Brand audits
We audit your brand and iden­ti­fy devel­op­ment poten­tial. From this, we derive spe­cif­ic rec­om­men­da­tions for action. We use these to lead your brand into a successful future togeth­er.
Brand style devel­op­ment
We devel­op a holis­tic style for your brand, draw­ing on the find­ings of your brand audit. This typ­i­cal­ly includes a logo, style guide for images and text, design guide­lines, typog­ra­phy, colour and many more ele­ments that com­bine to create a strong, con­sis­tent style.
Brand management
We active­ly sup­port you in man­ag­ing your brand — method­i­cal­ly and based on your brand strat­e­gy and the indi­vid­ual context in which your brand takes place. By work­ing method­i­cal­ly, we enable you to make design and brand deci­sions regard­less of your taste.
Brand stag­ing
We bring your brand to life by stag­ing it at the brand touch­points. We always think and work holis­ti­cal­ly. For a con­sis­tent brand per­cep­tion, regard­less of con­tact point or chan­nel.
Employ­er Branding
Times have changed! Today, brands mostly apply to poten­tial employees and no longer the other way round. With a cred­i­ble and rel­e­vant pro­file, we help your brand to find and approach the right can­di­dates via the appro­pri­ate chan­nels.
Dig­i­tal Land­scap­ing
In the dig­i­tal age, it is cru­cial that your brand is vis­i­ble and rel­e­vant. Through dig­i­tal land­scap­ing, we define goals, ana­lyze exist­ing brand touch­points and derive opti­miza­tions. We devel­op an effec­tive communication and con­tent strat­e­gy with the Hero-Hub-Hygiene model.

What our clients are saying about IDEENHAUS

“With IDEENHAUS we have found a part­ner for our diverse brand projects, who also sup­ports us con­struc­tive­ly and com­pe­tent­ly in com­plex chal­lenges.„

Head of Mar­ket­ing Strat­e­gy
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

“IDEENHAUS is the strate­gic, cre­ative part­ner for our Scout24 brands in Switzer­land! This col­lab­o­ra­tion encom­pass­es every one of our touch­points.„

Senior Brand Strate­gist
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

“We love work­ing with IDEENHAUS – and we love the results, too. By work­ing togeth­er to build our brand as an employ­er, we were able to boost our appli­ca­tion fig­ures and wel­come lots of new mem­bers to the DO family!„

HR Busi­ness Part­ner
Design Offices

“IDEENHAUS really made our brand shine by devel­op­ing stun­ning graph­ics and con­tent based on our mis­sion and values. In our view, it’s the most beau­ti­ful report of all time!„

Head of Mar­ket­ing & PR
Umwelt­bank Nürn­berg AG

“Guar­an­teed sup­port – from A to Z! The successful exe­cu­tion of the brand style and web­site launch make my life easier, and so do the weekly check-ins.„

Zuger Kan­tonaler Frauen­bund

“We’re delight­ed that IDEENHAUS under­stands how to trans­late our part­ners’ and cus­tomers’ sus­tain­able con­cepts into brand management.„


Zen­trum­sleis­tung ZNU

“We worked with IDEENHAUS to devel­op a time­less style for our umbrel­la brand RWS GmbH. This style not only con­veys a sense of pre­ci­sion and trust, but also suc­ceeds in show­cas­ing and inspir­ing the pas­sion of the people at our site.„

Vice Pres­i­dent Human Resources

“IDEENHAUS worked with us to shape the relaunch of the Albrecht Dürer Air­port Nürn­berg brand – and demon­strat­ed a great deal of sen­si­tiv­i­ty in the process.„

Head of Mar­ket­ing and Cor­po­rate Communications
Albrecht Dürer Air­port Nürn­berg


How we think about brands, design and AI

Stay informed, stay inspired! Sub­scribe to our newslet­ter for the latest updates, tips and exclu­sive con­tent deliv­ered straight to your inbox!

Are you a branding agency, an advertising agency or a communications agency? Branding agency! Because methodology beats taste

We are often asked what dis­tin­guish­es us as IDEENHAUS from other advertising agen­cies or communications agen­cies. Not much – just the fact that we don’t work for com­pa­nies that rely on their own taste to drive their deci­sions. Time and again, we’ve been amazed by how often we’re con­front­ed with taste being used as a cri­te­ri­on.

Our methodology gives your personal taste a help­ing hand, safe­guard­ing the suc­cess of your brand management. The advan­tage is obvi­ous, because it gives you a set of tools with which you can manage your brand — even as an inex­pe­ri­enced brand leader in dynam­ic and uncer­tain times. Key­word: arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.

Successful brand management begins here

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