498 mil­lion users can’t be wrong …

Who would­n’t like to take a look into the future? Pin­ter­est has pre­sent­ed the trends for 2024 based on its 498 mil­lion users world­wide. It’s def­i­nite­ly worth a look!

Pin it: Love at second sight

Pin­ter­est is still con­sid­ered to be the under­dog among social media plat­forms by many brands. Quite wrong­ly. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the Gen Z bear is still danc­ing on TikTok in the lit­er­al sense, and Mil­len­ni­als are immersed in Insta­gram Reels. What makes Pin­ter­est spe­cial is the fact that the 498 mil­lion month­ly users are on Pin­ter­est BEFORE they make a pur­chase deci­sion and are look­ing for inspi­ra­tion. Very inter­est­ing for brands and their sales tar­gets. (Almost no inte­ri­or deci­sion is made with­out the “expert” view on Pin­ter­est. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many inte­ri­or brands still under­uti­lize this.)

But back to the trends …

Trends are often mis­un­der­stood. Trends reflect the chang­ing behav­iour of people. Our col­leagues at Trend­s­Ac­tive are the experts when it comes to trends. From Trend­s­Ac­tive we know that trends are much more than colors and pic­tures. Socio­cul­tur­al devel­op­ments help us devel­op relevance for brands.

It seems we can’t find what you’re look­ing for.

But back to the trends …

Trends are often mis­un­der­stood. Trends reflect the chang­ing behav­iour of people. Our col­leagues at Trend­s­Ac­tive are the experts when it comes to trends. From Trend­s­Ac­tive we know that trends are much more than colors and pic­tures. Socio­cul­tur­al devel­op­ments help us devel­op relevance for brands.

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Stay cur­rent with BrandTrust Part 2

In our dynam­ic brand world, it is essen­tial to stay up to date and gather inspir­ing ideas. Our col­leagues at…

Back to Pin­ter­est, because 498 mil­lion users pro­vide a per­fect data­base for deriv­ing sub­stan­ti­at­ed trend devel­op­ments. This data­base is the per­fect breed­ing ground for the trend experts at Pin­ter­est to pub­lish the 2024 trends now. Inci­den­tal­ly, 80 per cent of the trends fore­cast in pre­vi­ous years have mate­ri­alised in the last three years.

Of course inspi­ra­tion is also the be-all and end-all for us. We took a look at the Pin­ter­est Pre­dicts 2024 for you and picked out the 3 of the most rel­e­vant ones from our per­spec­tive.

1. Aqua­te­c­ture

Why? Because nature plays an essen­tial role in our lives and the enhance­ment of nature emo­tion­al­ly stages the urgency to pro­tect it. Find out more about the trend on Pin­ter­est.

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2. State­ment style

Why? Because atti­tude is part of good man­ners. Find out more about the trend on Pin­ter­est.

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2. State­ment style

Why? Because atti­tude is part of good man­ners. Find out more about the trend on Pin­ter­est.

3. Deep-Talk

Why? Because it is more impor­tant than ever to stick togeth­er, be empa­thet­ic and listen to each other. Togeth­er instead of alone. Find out more on Pin­ter­est.

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Maximilian Kratzer



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