Your career at IDEENHAUS: Learn and grow with us.

We believe that brands are not a cre­ative play­ing field, but are cre­at­ed through method­i­cal and struc­tured work. We think in terms of lan­guage, style and communication for brands and people. Sounds like you? Then join the team!

Work­ing on projects in a team and enjoy­ing the Span­ish sun? I appre­ci­ate the flex­i­bil­i­ty, drive and dynam­ics with which projects are tack­led at IDEENHAUS”
Seek­ing diverse tasks and con­tin­u­al new chal­lenges? If a con­ven­tion­al office job does­n’t appeal to you, IDEENHAUS is your per­fect match.”
In a world where bor­ders are no longer bar­ri­ers, I found my per­fect work­space – Home! Join us at IDEENHAUS and rede­fine the way you work“
What truly excites me is the col­lab­o­ra­tion, the inspi­ra­tion, and the exchange with col­leagues. Shared respon­si­bil­i­ties and reg­u­lar team events draw us closer togeth­er.”

Your appli­ca­tion to IDEENHAUS

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Click on the vacan­cy to access the job plat­form
Input the rel­e­vant information, attach your doc­u­ments and click ‘Send’!
Give us a couple of days to get back to you. Thank you!

Vacan­cies for brand lovers at IDEENHAUS

No suit­able position?

Whether it’s branding, UI/UX design, social media, dig­i­tal project management or what­ev­er else you’re pas­sion­ate about, send us an unso­licit­ed appli­ca­tion.

FAQs for applicants

Accor­dion Con­tent

You can expect a wide range of dif­fer­ent projects. Projects will find you, or you’ll choose them, based on your abil­i­ty. Our projects involve us design­ing all the touch­points for brands in every indus­try under the sun. So, you’ll never be bored work­ing at IDEENHAUS – we can promise you that.

For trainees: We don’t think work­ing from home too much is ben­e­fi­cial during the early stages of your train­ing: after all, you can learn a lot from your col­leagues (even just by shar­ing an office with them).

But, in gen­er­al, work­ing from home is total­ly normal for us. Most people at IDEENHAUS take a hybrid approach: a couple of days each week in the office and the rest of the time at home. Depend­ing on the project and task at hand, it might make more sense to work from the office or to work from home.

Depend­ing on how the wind blows, we have around 25 to 30 colleagues and a net­work of lots of great part­ners that we col­lab­o­rate with as part of our work on fan­tas­tic brands.

We’re not work­ing on the week­ends. We state this clear­ly as it’s so often the case in the indus­try. Or rather, if, you prefer to work at the week­end , you can, but you work less on other days. Some of us simply work accord­ing to our own sched­ule and as our life sit­u­a­tion requires.

Our approach to annual leave is clear-cut: You have more than required by law, and leave is always taken within a year. End of story.

We’ve got more ben­e­fits than you can shake a stick at. We’ll tell you more about them over a cup of good coffee. There are var­i­ous train­ing ses­sions on offer, plus all kinds of events. And when coro­n­avirus doesn’t up-end our plans, we often like taking a couple of days away in Euro­pean cities so we can engage in pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and gather inspi­ra­tion.

Lots – from G for games night, to M for museum trips, R for raft­ing and W for week­ends away. Yoga’s includ­ed in there, too. The choice is yours, and you’re free to put forward your own ideas, too. But we all get on well and still have more space for new col­leagues and hob­bies at IDEENHAUS. We don’t have a table foot­ball set, though!

The day starts with a chat by the coffee machine. No two days are the same, as we’re home to all kinds of fan­tas­tic dif­fer­ent projects. You won’t need to worry about being bored here. The team dis­cuss­es the cur­rent jobs each morn­ing so every­one knows what’s going on and what’s expect­ed of them. Com­mu­ni­cat­ing trans­par­ent­ly at an early stage is impor­tant to us in this regard.

Because we make brands rel­e­vant, and that’s just got less to do with advertising. We think and act with an eye to the longer term. We love longer dis­tances and marathons. In other words, all our employees can grow along­side the brands we look after. We’re not some­where for people who’ll flit in and out. That’s why we’re also look­ing for people who are in it for the long haul!

Give us a call and ask them your­self: +49 (0)911/4777 24 0 – oth­er­wise, you’ll often find us in local cafes and restau­rants at lunchtime 🥗🍕

Every­thing we do takes place in a team. You decide what team you want to join and what work you want to do. Often, col­leagues rotate through our var­i­ous teams so they can devel­op them­selves and other team mem­bers and gain fresh per­spec­tives.

Because you can’t please every­one, unfor­tu­nate­ly. We’d like things to be dif­fer­ent, but some­times people don’t get on and the chem­istry just isn’t there. On aver­age, IDEENHAUS employees spend well over six years here. And that speaks vol­umes. But, as we said, just talk to some of the people here!

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