Sabine Kropf
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

I’d really almost lost faith in mean­ing­ful communication that added value. We were driven by taste-based deci­sions made by clients and our own col­leagues, always look­ing for a cre­ative idea and some­thing new and unique – but never some­thing mean­ing­ful. Then, I gave things anoth­er shot by join­ing IDEENHAUS in 2010. And, today, I can say that this shot really and truly hit the mark.

The methodology, which always leads to empirical out­comes, the strong focus on strat­e­gy in our work for our clients and the fan­tas­tic, trust­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with col­leagues give my work real mean­ing and value. I get an incred­i­ble amount of joy out of assist­ing our clients every day and making them successful. But, in the process, I am also hon­oured to work with my col­leagues to fine-tune IDEENHAUS over and over, iden­ti­fy­ing new meth­ods and approach­es to make our work more pre­cise. Day in, day out, this leaves me feel­ing enriched.

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