Ralf Brend­jes
Head of Brand Design

When I joined IDEENHAUS 17 years ago, the new econ­o­my bubble had just burst – mark­ing both an oppor­tu­ni­ty and a period of great upheaval for IDEENHAUS.

People began to move away from purely using cre­ative ideas as an under­ly­ing argu­ment and start­ed shift­ing towards under­tak­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed, strate­gic work with cre­ative con­cepts; deliv­er­ing results that would sup­port the client, not mas­sage the designer’s ego. Doing things the right way: knowl­edge first, devel­op­ment second, all hand in hand with the client. For me as a brand design­er, this has remained excit­ing and enrich­ing after all these years. The per­spec­tives, tech­niques and media may well be fresh, but the methodology remains the same.

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