Marion Endres
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

I’ve been devel­op­ing brands for more than 20 years. One thing has always driven me mad: dis­cus­sions about taste. That’s why I took up the mantle of devel­op­ing a method that lets taste take a back-seat in my work and that of my team.

At IDEENHAUS, I can devel­op meth­ods, get the best out of every­thing for our clients and really reflect on how I can make our clients more successful – with­out my personal taste coming into it. Noth­ing spurs me on more than boost­ing our clients’ suc­cess through our work. And, along­side that, I count myself for­tu­nate to run a com­pa­ny with lots of sat­is­fied, long-stand­ing employees.

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Marion on a pod­cast with our friends at BrandTrust

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