Juliane Hänig
Head of Brand Design

Brands have fas­ci­nat­ed me ever since I was a child. Grow­ing up in what was for­mer­ly East Germany, I longed for brands like Coca-Cola, Barbie and so on; they exert­ed a real thrall on me. Logos, colour­ing, smells and tastes were always inex­tri­ca­bly linked to each other, in my mind.

So, I knew what I wanted to do from a young age. After com­plet­ing my degree in Visual Communication, I was aware that brands could only have the kind of impact they had in my child­hood if they were imbued with both depth and brains.

After an intern­ship abroad, I then ended up at IDEENHAUS, where I can play out my love of depth, strat­e­gy and aes­thet­ics to the fullest.

Back to my col­leagues.

Juliane talk­ing to Hen­drik Lennarz from Unlock Growth

How does growth impact soci­ety and vice versa? I had the chance to talk to Hen­drik from Unlock Growth about this. That’s all I’ll say on the sub­ject for now. Want to find out more? Then press ‘Play’.