
→ A cred­i­ble pro­file that fol­lows the strat­e­gy is max­i­mal­ly attrac­tive for the right talent.

1. A short def­i­n­i­tion

Employ­er branding means strate­gi­cal­ly posi­tion­ing your com­pa­ny as an attrac­tive employ­er. This com­pre­hen­sive def­i­n­i­tion includes numer­ous tasks in which we are happy to sup­port you in our joint work. This includes devel­op­ing or sharp­en­ing your employ­er brand as well as recruit­ing itself. How can we retain tal­ent­ed employees in the long term and attract and suc­cess­ful­ly inte­grate valu­able new team mem­bers? Each of these tasks is cru­cial to attract­ing and retain­ing the best talent as a strong employ­er.

Picture of two women in the office, sitting at the window

2. Our goal for your employ­er branding: com­pet­i­tive advan­tage

A com­pa­ny with the best talent dom­i­nates in the long term. That’s why all our projects focus on one cen­tral ques­tion: How do we find the talent of tomor­row and win them over in the long term? This is the core of our under­stand­ing of employ­er branding to ensure that your com­pa­ny enjoys an unbeat­able com­pet­i­tive advan­tage. We use per­sonas based on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and common sense to act strate­gi­cal­ly. An honest view from the out­side is also part of this — because this is the only way for com­pa­nies to be truly successful.

3. The right focus in the project

As a cus­tomer, you are often already aware of the biggest weak­ness­es in employ­er branding. (But you still don’t really want to know them.) That’s why we start every project with an in-depth dis­cus­sion and detailed brief­ing. Togeth­er we analyse the best way forward, whether it’s defin­ing the strate­gic basis or the com­mu­nica­tive task. Social media and tar­get­ed cam­paigns on plat­forms such as LinkedIn, Face­book and Insta­gram are cru­cial for employ­ee recruit­ment. Authen­tic insights into the cor­po­rate cul­ture and strate­gic media plan­ning increase trust and appeal effec­tive­ly. If this is the task, we are happy to take on both con­tent and oper­a­tional management.

Strong brands receive twice as many appli­ca­tions! In addi­tion, employ­ee turnover is reduced by around 28%!

Reason enough to take a closer look at inter­nal and exter­nal employ­ee communication today!

Source: Seenit, 2023

Your con­tact

Sabine Kropf

Sabine Kropf

Com­mer­cial Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

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