
→ The dig­i­tal chan­nels are just a click away from our out­side world. Gen­er­ate leads and make your mar­ket­ing suc­cess mea­sur­able and more effi­cient.

1. strate­gic and method­olog­i­cal excel­lence for your brand

We devel­op dig­i­tal strategies that con­tribute to your com­pa­ny and brand goals instead of just post­ing con­tent. Your strat­e­gy forms the basis, which we anchor in a clear project or edi­to­r­i­al plan. Our expe­ri­enced team uses data-driven plans to ensure that your online activ­i­ties are not only present, but also effec­tive. As every organ­i­sa­tion is unique, so are our dig­i­tal strategies. We remain com­mit­ted to your side and thus con­tribute to the over­ar­ch­ing brand activ­i­ties. Of course, we also always keep an eye on your con­tent and are happy to gen­er­ate your con­tent with (or with­out you) in a tar­get­ed and con­tin­u­ous manner.

Image of reporting in digital marketing

2. tar­get­ed rela­tion­ship management to strength­en your brand

All con­tent should not only be appeal­ing, but also say some­thing to your target group. Too often, con­tent is just posted, but with­out con­tent. We devel­op all touch­points and con­tent from the user’s per­spec­tive. The focus is always on people. This allows us to opti­mise con­tent and mea­sures in a tar­get­ed and effec­tive way and reach people. Thanks to the syn­er­gy of years of expe­ri­ence and the pos­si­bil­i­ties of AI, such as the def­i­n­i­tion of AI per­sonas, we are always close to the inter­ests of your target groups. Because prox­im­i­ty and trust can be strength­ened with a click — or lost.

3. data-driven cus­tomi­sa­tion

Along­side your strat­e­gy, data is the indis­pens­able foun­da­tion of our devel­op­ments. We track met­rics, analyse per­for­mance and con­tin­u­ous­ly adapt our approach to achieve the best results. As the dig­i­tal land­scape is con­stant­ly evolv­ing, we are always one step ahead and utilise new trends, tools and algo­rithms — sup­port­ed by AI. We stand for trans­par­ent communication and pro­vide reg­u­lar updates and reports to know where we stand with your brand management. Togeth­er, we define rel­e­vant KPIs and mea­sure suc­cess against these tar­gets.

Since August 2023, no projects have been cre­at­ed at IDEENHAUS that are not sup­port­ed by AI or the result is not sup­port­ed by AI.

Your con­tact


Max Kratzer

Head of Dig­i­tal

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