Smart dig­i­tal land­scap­ing

We devel­op an effec­tive dig­i­tal strat­e­gy and the nec­es­sary touch­points to present your brand in a rel­e­vant and high-per­for­mance way on all dig­i­tal chan­nels.

The Swiss Mar­ket­place Group is a key tech player from Switzer­land that devel­ops and con­stant­ly inno­vates the most impor­tant plat­forms for people in Switzer­land. These include well-known brands such as ImmoScout24, AutoScout24, FinanceScout24, Home­gate, anibis and many more.

To market the advertising spaces on the plat­forms and to attract the tech talent of tomor­row, we have devel­oped a com­pa­ny web­site includ­ing a large number of land­ing pages and reg­u­lar­ly create addi­tion­al pages, fea­tures and con­tent.


‘In IDEENHAUS, we have found a part­ner for our diverse brand projects who sup­ports us con­struc­tive­ly and com­pe­tent­ly, even with com­plex chal­lenges.’

Roger Tschal­len­er

Head of Mar­ket­ing Strat­e­gy
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

‘In IDEENHAUS, we have found a part­ner for our diverse brand projects who sup­ports us con­struc­tive­ly and com­pe­tent­ly, even with com­plex chal­lenges.’

Roger Tschal­len­er

Head of Mar­ket­ing Strat­e­gy
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group


  • Highly com­plex topics with technology that requires expla­na­tion
  • Broad and very het­ero­ge­neous target groups
  • Highly com­pet­i­tive appli­cant market
  • Many edi­tors


  • A mul­ti­site instal­la­tion with dif­fer­ent Word­Press instances in one environment
  • Opti­mum local­i­sa­tion for dif­fer­ent lan­guages with just a few clicks
  • UX and UI design incl. user test­ing for high-per­for­mance land­ing pages and imple­men­ta­tion in Word­Press.
  • Devel­op­ment of attrac­tive info pages for the apps in the app stores to max­imise down­loads
  • Con­cep­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of dig­i­tal ad cam­paigns and social media tem­plates


  • Max­imi­sa­tion of click-through and con­ver­sion rates (up to 260 % improve­ment in some cases)
  • Con­sis­ten­cy and effi­cien­cy in the devel­op­ment of land­ing pages with intel­li­gent tem­plates
  • Onboard­ing and train­ing for independent main­te­nance by edi­tors at SMG
  • High-per­for­mance pages and infra­struc­ture for the best pos­si­ble rank­ings and user expe­ri­ence
  • Strong vis­i­bil­i­ty in search engine

‘IDEENHAUS is our strate­gic and cre­ative part­ner for our Scout24 brands in Switzer­land! We work togeth­er on all our touch­points.’

Francesco Corbino

Senior Brand Strate­gist
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

‘IDEENHAUS is our strate­gic and cre­ative part­ner for our Scout24 brands in Switzer­land! We work togeth­er on all our touch­points.’

Francesco Corbino

Senior Brand Strate­gist
SMG Swiss Mar­ket­place Group

Mask group (6)

Max­i­m­il­ian Kratzer

Project man­ag­er

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Let us write your suc­cess story!

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