Stay cur­rent with BrandTrust Part 2

In our dynam­ic brand world, it is essen­tial to stay up to date and gather inspir­ing ideas. Our col­leagues at BrandTrust offer you a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to stay up to date.

Lis­ten­ing plea­sure: The spe­cial edi­tion of the new Brand Trust pod­cast

In the latest episode of ‘BrandTrust Talks Weekly’, Colin Fer­nan­do is joined by Marion Endres to dis­cuss the power of design in branding. What is the role of visual brands, how impor­tant is the use of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in design and the rebrand­ing of Kitzbühel — all in about 20 min­utes.

Just listen to it.

All episodes are also avail­able on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Pod­cast, Google Pod­cast,
Amazon Music and YouTube.

Make a note of 20 and 21 Novem­ber!

Final­ly, anoth­er Brand Trust boot camp on 20 and 21 Novem­ber 2024 in Nurem­berg.

The cur­rent eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion and the trend towards deglob­al­i­sa­tion demand more than mere adap­ta­tion. They require coura­geous, brand-cen­tred strategies in order to remain successful. Reg­is­ter now, there are still a few places avail­able!

Watch the new BrandTrust Life now

In the latest episode of BrandTrust Life, we take a deep dive into the world of tourism and brand management. With an explo­sive topic that could­n’t be more top­i­cal: ‘Brands on Hol­i­day’ — what brand management means for tourism and why we go where we go.

Nowhere else will you be so enter­tained about branding and tourism! Klaus and Shali­na are a great team that will inspire you with excit­ing enter­tain­ment and valu­able insights on the sub­ject of branding.

Don’t miss any more updates — you can also follow BrandTrust on Insta­gram and Face­book. Let’s go into a world full of inspi­ra­tion and innovation!


Autor kontaktieren

Maximilian Kratzer