A unique brand calls for a unique brand style


The chal­lenge

EUROLUB GmbH is one of the few independent brands in its sector. With over 750 arti­cles in the areas of lubri­cants, addi­tives, car care prod­ucts and winter chem­i­cals, EUROLUB is known for its qual­i­ty, its excel­lent plan­ning and out­stand­ing ser­vice. The motto ‘we are always ready to help, flex­i­ble and quick to respond to our cus­tomers’ shows what makes EUROLUB spe­cial and unique. And this is where IDEENHAUS came into play. We cre­at­ed the per­fect match. Because this unique­ness also requires a spe­cial brand style. We were able to sup­port EUROLUB in trans­lat­ing the core brand values and relaunch­ing the exist­ing brand style.


The solu­tion

The better the leg­i­bil­i­ty, the quick­er the text can be under­stood. The IMB Plex Sans font, which we have defined as the new brand font, per­fect­ly trans­lates the core brand values of EUROLUB.
Design is impor­tant: Bal­ance and align­ment to enable tar­get­ed communication. Here, the layout was designed with the ‘Cross­ing Area’. In other words, we always use three over­lap­ping areas in the defined EUROLUB colours. We create ten­sion and build up dynamism through the slants. The aim here is to give the brand speci­fici­ty and recog­ni­tion.
The ‘Cross­ing Area’ serves as a stage for our design and can be used flex­i­bly in a wide vari­ety of for­mats.


Our ser­vices

Fur­ther devel­op­ment of the brand style

Office equip­ment

Pack­ag­ing design

Trade fair and event design

Imple­men­ta­tion of all brand touch­points


The impact

To make the fur­ther devel­oped brand style tan­gi­ble and vis­i­ble, we nat­u­ral­ly also adapt­ed the busi­ness sta­tionery. The brand values ‘help­ful’ and ‘pro­gres­sive’ guide us in and through the design. With the dynam­ic ‘cross­ing area’ and clear information hier­ar­chies, we create light­ness and excite­ment at the var­i­ous touch­points.
New brand style also means new labels. Light­ness, help­ful­ness and qual­i­ty aware­ness form the pil­lars here. With the fur­ther devel­oped EUROLUB labels for engine oil, trans­mis­sion oil, winter chem­i­cals and many other prod­ucts, we trans­late the brand strat­e­gy into brand style.


Let’s create your suc­cess story!