Redis­cov­er sur­faces


the chal­lenge

Our client SWISS KRONO AG has devel­oped a com­plete­ly new, inno­v­a­tive prod­uct for the inte­ri­or seg­ment — the anti-fin­ger­print sur­face. Anyone who has a push-to-open sur­face at home knows how nice it would be not to see fin­ger­prints on their sur­face. Our task was to devel­op an unmis­tak­able brand iden­ti­ty for this new prod­uct that would also fit seam­less­ly into SWISS KRONO’s exist­ing brand archi­tec­ture. As always, we fol­lowed the given strat­e­gy and trans­lat­ed the results into the appear­ance.


Our ser­vices

Devel­op­ment of brand style ele­ments



Logo design

Cre­at­ing a brand story

Visual pres­ence

Design devel­op­ment (shapes, colours, iconog­ra­phy, visual lan­guage, layout and communication



Of course, we start­ed with a name that should be heard. The inte­gra­tion of the new BE.VELVET brand into the exist­ing SWISS KRONO brand archi­tec­ture, in par­tic­u­lar into the BE. — Family, under which all func­tion­al brands in the SWISS KRONO inte­ri­or sector are at home, was a pre­req­ui­site. The name BE.VELVET was cre­at­ed to per­fect­ly trans­late the prod­uct char­ac­ter­is­tics: a vel­vety matt sur­face with­out annoy­ing fin­ger­prints.



The logo devel­op­ment based on an exist­ing brand system com­bines the unique­ness and recog­nis­abil­i­ty of BE.VELVET.The selec­tion of suit­able serif typog­ra­phy also helps to empha­sise the high qual­i­ty and ele­gance of the brand.



This basic idea of the brand story is also con­tin­ued holis­ti­cal­ly in the design — the layout and communication prin­ci­ples were care­ful­ly har­monised with the story and the prod­uct features.The result is a har­mo­nious and appeal­ing appear­ance. The warm, reduced colour lan­guage of rich hick­o­ry brown and del­i­cate oat beige gives BE.VELVET a strong visual pres­ence — and at the same time dis­tin­guish­es BE.VELVET from the other BE.brands in the SWISS KRONO port­fo­lio.



BE.VELVET is first and fore­most a pro-finger sur­face, for touch­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing. The visual lan­guage tells the story of real life.Authentically depict­ed by people and their hands. BE.VELVET loves hands, sym­bol­ised by the simple sign that every­one under­stands — the heart. The heart-text system emo­tion­al­ly con­nects life and people with the sur­face at first glance. The spe­cial­ly devel­oped icons make the con­vinc­ing prod­uct fea­tures recog­nis­able at first glance.



BE.VELVET is the third family member to suc­cess­ful­ly join the func­tion­al brands of the SWISS KRONO Group.This has cre­at­ed a unique appear­ance with an unmis­tak­able recog­ni­tion value that shows all the prod­uct ben­e­fits at first glance.The brand launch in Jan­u­ary 2023 was a com­plete suc­cess and BE.VELVET has estab­lished itself func­tion­al­ly and cre­ative­ly in the field of fin­ger­print-resis­tant sur­faces.

Bild von Juliane Hänig

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