Brand style

Based on the results of the brand audit, we trans­late your strat­e­gy into your appro­pri­ate style – AI-sup­port­ed.

1. Con­sis­ten­cy in devel­op­ment

We use the results of our com­pre­hen­sive brand audit to devel­op a holis­tic style for your brand. We iden­ti­fy the style-defin­ing ele­ments that then serve as the basis for a styl­ish and con­sis­tent brand iden­ti­ty. For exist­ing brands, we rely on the prin­ci­ple of self-sim­i­lar­i­ty in com­bi­na­tion with our cre­ative exper­tise and cre­ativ­i­ty. For new brands, we devel­op the style from the strate­gic foun­da­tions and rel­e­vant target groups. In both cases, we work strict­ly objec­tive­ly and never on the basis of taste judge­ments. We use arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence where it makes sense and helps your brand move forward!

2. Cus­tomised and value-ori­ent­ed brand design

From brand style to resound­ing brand pres­ence: we rely on the prin­ci­ple of sim­plic­i­ty. Brand iden­ti­ties estab­lish them­selves more quick­ly if they are easy to realise and imple­ment. The sim­pler the imple­men­ta­tion, the greater the suc­cess. This maxim deter­mines the design of all style ele­ments — from the logo to the colour scheme and typog­ra­phy to the visual lan­guage. In this way, we ensure that all brand con­tact points are stan­dard­ised, tar­get­ed and, above all, future-proof. And where pos­si­ble, we rely on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Why make it com­pli­cat­ed when it can be simple? Your brand deserves clar­i­ty and effi­cien­cy.

3. Method­olog­i­cal approach and ben­e­fits

Our method­i­cal and sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly sound approach ensures that all design deci­sions are based on solid foun­da­tions and are not influ­enced by sub­jec­tive taste. This guar­an­tees that your brand is both aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing and effec­tive in terms of con­tent. A coher­ent design increas­es recog­nis­abil­i­ty and strength­ens the emo­tion­al con­nec­tion of your target groups, which increas­es brand appeal and cre­ates a clear dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion from the com­pe­ti­tion. Of course, this also includes how your brand speaks — the tone of voice. Style is not only to be under­stood visu­al­ly, but also in atti­tude and lan­guage.

You can’t buy style, you can only devel­op it, because it char­ac­teris­es us humans and always devel­ops from the inside out.


For Start-Ups


The clas­sic


Our spe­cial


For com­plex

Your con­tact


Marcel Olek

Cre­ative Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

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