Stay cur­rent with BrandTrust Part 1

In our dynam­ic brand world, it is essen­tial to stay up to date and gather inspir­ing ideas. Our col­leagues at BrandTrust offer you a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to stay up to date.

The new BrandTrust Pod­cast

In the pod­cast format ‘BrandTrust Talks Weekly’, our col­league and part­ner at BrandTrust Colin Fer­nan­do reviews the week from a brand per­spec­tive: He analy­ses brands, names win­ners & losers of the week and presents excit­ing and some­times sur­pris­ing finds — all briefly and con­cise­ly in about 15 min­utes.

Selfie of Colin Fernando, Partner at BrandTrust

All episodes are also avail­able on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Pod­cast, Google Pod­cast,
Amazon Music and YouTube.

Stay fit with the latest topics.

5 hacks for brand man­agers to enter the age of AI

It’s get­ting excit­ing for brand man­agers! The latest devel­op­ments show that arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence is pro­found­ly chang­ing mar­ket­ing:

Google, OpenAI and social media algo­rithms are set­ting new stan­dards, and only brands that adapt to them will remain rel­e­vant in the long term…

Find out more on LinkedIn.

Stay fit with the latest ideas.

Join BrandTrust on their excit­ing jour­neys and adven­tures. Get exclu­sive insights into the BrandTrust lifestyle.

Don’t miss any more updates — you can also follow BrandTrust on Insta­gram and Face­book. Let’s go into a world full of inspi­ra­tion and innovation!


Autor kontaktieren

Maximilian Kratzer